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XXVIIITH International
Ukrainian-Polish Conference
Lviv, Ukraine 26-27 November 2020
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Department of Computer Aided Design Systems, Lviv Polytechnic National University;
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Bialystok University of Technology;
Mechanical Engineering and Robotics, AGH University of Science and Technology;
Institute of Machine Design Fundamentals, Warsaw University of Technology.
The CADMD conference series started in Warsaw in 1994 and has been organized yearly in Poland and Ukraine. This year we would like to continue the conference tradition and invite you to one of the most attractive city in Ukraine - Lviv.
In connection with the quarantine restrictions caused by the spread of coronavirus infection 2019-nCoV in Ukraine and around the world, the organizing committee will provide the possibility of remote participation in the CADMD 2020 conference.
·       Information technologies in computer-aided design:
·  CAD/CAM/CAE/PDM software, programming, algorithms and databases;
·  remote design tools, cloud computing, high-performance distributed computing, network CAD tools;
·  visual modeling, data visualization and technical drawing.
·       Modeling and simulation of processes and systems in machinery design:
·  CAD in electrical engineering: electronic devices, telecommunication, signal processing, photooptics;
·  CAD in mechanical engineering: applied mechanics, dynamics, fluids, production technology;
·  CAD in thermal engineering: thermodynamics, heat transfer, thermofluids, energy conversion;
·  CAD in chemical engineering: batteries, biomedicals, plastics, textiles, unit operations design;
·  optimal design problems and tasks of reliability estimation.
·       Microelectromechanical systems design, simulation, modeling and application:
·  MEMS microfabrication: deposition, patterning, lithography, etching, oxidation, printing;
·  MEMS sensors and actuators: mechanical, radiation, thermal, electromagnetic, chemical, fluidic, biological;
·  MEMS integrated implementations and lab-on-a-chip devices.
·       CAD systems in mechatronics, robotics, and automation engineering:
·  microcontroller-based control systems, embedded systems;
·  motion control and drives;
·  computer vision, speech recognition, environmental interaction and navigation;
·  supervisory control and data acquisition, power systems and environmental protection facilities. 
·       CAD tools in industry 4.0.:
·  advanced human-machine interfaces, cyber-physical systems, smart factories;
·  3D scanning and printing, augmented and virtual reality;
·  IoT systems and mobile devices;
·  application of artificial intelligence and big data analysis, cloud and on-demand computing;
·  materials science, composite materials and metamaterials;
·       Engineering Education:
·  educational methodology;
·  educational software, tools, stands and models;
·  remote and web-based teaching.
The working languages of the conference are English, Polish and Ukrainian. Submitted papers should be in English. Authors should submit original papers, containing new and original results. The material must be unpublished and not under submission elsewhere.
Length of a paper is 4-10 full pages, including figures and tables, with page setup to A4 (210 x 297 mm) size. Authors are invited to submit a full paper to the Organizing Committee electronically in MSWord or Rich Text Format through the conference Website. The required format is available on the Conference Web page.
Each submitted paper will be evaluated by reviewers, members of the Programme Committee. Their remarks and suggestions will be sent back to authors by email in order to facilitate timely preparation of revised papers.
Each paper should be presented at the conference. There are two types of presentation: 15 min length regular session and poster session. The presenter will be supplied with MS Windows based PC and projector available to process MS Powerpoint or PDF presentations. A poster should be A1 (594 х 841mm) size format, vertically oriented with images of good quality.
Conference proceedings will be published under the Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) within IOP Proceedings Licence. Authors should sign a corresponding agreement form that their paper shall be made available as an open-access publication. Proceedings will be submitted to IOP Conference Series Journal: Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) for online publication, which is indexed in ScopusWeb of science and other scientific databases.
Note that failing to provide a paper according to the conference requirements might lead to its rejection. If no one from co authors presents the paper, it will be published in the conference proceedings, but will not be sent for indexing in scientific databases.
A. Aboltins Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies
J. Bajkowski Warsaw University of Technology
M. Banaś AGH University of Science and Technology
B. Butryło Bialystok University of Technology
M. Iwaniec AGH University of Science and Technology
N. Jaworski Lviv Polytechnic National University
R. Kaczyński Bialystok University of Technology
A. Kalukiewicz AGH University of Science and Technology
K. Kołodziejczyk AGH University of Science and Technology
P. Kosobutsky Lviv Polytechnic National University
P. Krawiec Poznan University of Technology
M. Lobur Lviv Polytechnic National University
A. Łukaszewicz Bialystok University of Technology
I. Malujda Poznan University of Technology
O. Matviykiv Lviv Polytechnic National University
M. Melnyk Lviv Polytechnic National University
G. Mieczkowski Bialystok University of Technology
J. Pokojski Warsaw University of Technology
K. Pytel AGH University of Science and Technology
A. Timofiejczuk Silesian University of Technology
W. Sitek Silesian University of Technology
R. Sheremeta Lviv Polytechnic National University
Y. Sokolovskyy Lviv Polytechnic National University
A. Sołbut Bialystok University of Technology
M. Zajkowski Bialystok University of Technology
R. Zalewski Warsaw University of Technology
The conference will take place at the Computer Aided Systems Department of Lviv Polytechnic National University.
We would like to inform you that in connection with the spread of coronavirus infection 2019-nCoV in Ukraine and around the world, the organizing committee will provide the possibility of remote participation in the CADMD 2020 conference.
Registration for the CADMD 2020 conference is 100€ per paper, payable in advance or when arriving. Fee covers admission to the conference sessions, coffee breaks, printed program and proceedings.
Attendees are responsible for their own reservations of a hotel. To reserve rooms attendees should inform the Organizing Committee in advance.
In connection with the spread of coronavirus infection 2019-nCoV in Ukraine and around the world, the organizing committee will provide the possibility of remote participation in the CADMD 2020 conference.
·       10 November, 2020 – papers submission for review  deadline;
·       13 November, 2020 – acceptance notification for reviewed papers;
·       17 November, 2020 – final program announcement;
·       26-27 November, 2020 – conference dates.
Dr. Nazariy Jaworski
(Conference Secretary)
CAD Systems Department, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Education building IV, room 320.
Postal Address: 79013,CAD Systems Department, Lviv Polytechnic National University, St. Bandera street, 12, Lviv, Ukraine.
Tel.: +380 32 258 26 74
Web-site: http://cadmd.lpnu.ua
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